The #SmittyLoveConnection

To celebrate Valentine’s Day, we caught up with a couple SFHC alumni who found their love match while attending the Smittcamp Family Honors College. #SmittyLoveConnection

Harrison and Nicole Hobbs entered the Honors College in 2017, where they first met during SFHC Welcome Week. During their freshman year, they became friends through classes and living in the same dorm building. They bonded while watching The Office and doing homework, went on their first date during finals week, and have been together ever since.

After graduating in 2021 with his degree in mechanical engineering, Harrison began working at Nichol’s Farms as a Process Improvement Engineer. Nicole graduated at the same time with her degree in nursing. Currently, she works as a Neonatal ICU nurse at Kaweah Health Medical Center, but she plans on returning to get her Master’s in Nursing after gaining a few years of experience. 

The Hobbs loved their time at Fresno State and were involved in many campus activities. Harrison was a Council of President’s Scholars officer for three years; a member of Pi Tau Sigma and Tau Beta Pi; a member of Catholic Students Association; and performed in FLOCC, the campus improv club. Nicole participated in Rotaract, Phi Kappa Phi, CHHS Honors Program, Concert Choir, and worked as an SI Leader and SI mentor with the Learning Center. They were both members of the campus bible study group and the Fresno State Swing Dance club. Their advice to current students is: “Get involved, try new things, challenge yourself, and meet lots of new people!”

Their favorite college memory is teaching swing dancing at Smittcamp Camp. There was also the time Nicole was the rock-paper-scissors champion!

“The SFHC gave us many opportunities that enhanced our education, made college more fulfilling, and set us up for success after graduation," they said. "We also met some of our closest friends through the SFHC and formed many lifelong relationships.

Currently, Harrison and Nicole live in Visalia with their cat Jodie after tying the knot last summer.

Bailey and Rebecca Gong met as freshmen in 2016 during SFHC Freshman Welcome Week.

“I first noticed Rebecca when she was doing the high ropes course. I was behind her and she was climbing something, and she had really cool leggings, purple ones,” Bailey said.

They went on to be involved in many campus activities together, including Cru and the Council of President’s Scholars. Rebecca graduated in 2019 and remained at Fresno State to pursue her doctorate in Physical Therapy — which she received in 2022! — while Bailey graduated in 2020 and started a PHD Food Science program at Cornell University that fall. They got married and moved to Ithaca, NY, where they are active in their local church and enjoy playing ultimate frisbee together.

Looking back on their college days, the couple recalled their favorite memories: “One time I convinced some friends from Cru and the dorms to wake up before 5am to go hike at Sequoia National Park with me before classes! Unforgettable!” Rebecca said. Bailey remembers the time he won the Mountain West conference tournament with the men’s tennis team.

They also recalled the professors who impacted their academic experience: “Dr. Honor Chapman is my all-time favorite professor,” Rebecca said. “I took her for two semesters of Greek, and she brought our class little cupcakes and took us out to lunch at the end of the semester. She cared deeply about her students' learning and instilled a belief in ourselves. Dr. Chapman was a humanities professor and I chose to study Kinesiology, but she was always there to support me, regardless.”

Rebecca also worked as a student assistant in the Smittcamp Office, where she witnessed the inner workings of the Honors College and “the tireless work, dedication, and care” that goes into maintaining it. 

“Smittcamp allowed me to live my dream of being in an academically rigorous program while playing collegiate tennis,” Bailey said. “The small cohort, tight-knit community, honors classes, and full ride tuition really encouraged me to pick Fresno State.” Rebecca added how Smittcamp allowed her to afford graduate school, as well as meet her husband.

They gave this advice to current students: “Enjoy the ride - time flies and you’ll never be in this season of life again. Don’t get too busy to take time for deep conversations with people and making memories with your friends! Also, take advantage of all the benefits of being a student; discounts, free food, and the library. And study abroad - DUH!”

“Be really involved and make lots of memories and relationships. And go to Smittcamp Camp!”


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