Fall 2024 Newsletter

Dear alumni, families, and supporters of the Smittcamp Family Honors College (SFHC),

Welcome to the Fall 2024 issue of Honorable Times, the SFHC Newsletter!

The benefits of undergraduate research have been well documented.  Such opportunities lead to improvements in more comprehensive learning, academic success, and rates of retention and graduation. Furthermore, studies have shown that undergraduate researchers are much more likely to pursue postgraduate education.

Beginning with the entering cohort of 2012, SFHC began its initiative to promote undergraduate research by requiring the completion of a scholarly activity project under the mentorship of a faculty member in a scholar’s field of study. Twelve years later, I am proud to report that this collective effort has led to the enhanced visibility and success of the programs involved and has helped establish a campuswide culture of undergraduate research.

One of the hidden benefits of undergraduate research is that it tremendously enhances the graduate and professional school applications submitted by the students conducting such work.  It exerts its influence by making such applications stand out since, although such students make up about 25% of all undergraduate in the U.S., only a small group (1-2%) of them get the opportunity to be included as co-authors in peer-reviewed articles in research journals or to present their research in person at regional or national conferences.

Two excellent examples of our past and present scholars who have benefited from undergraduate research opportunities are Juliana Sullivan (B.S. Animal Science, Pre-Veterinary Option, May 2022) and Hassoon Sarwar (current scholar), both of whom have been featured in this issue of Honorable Times.

In regards to supporting our students in their research endeavor, the Student Success Fund was established through the donations collected during the 2021 “Day of Giving” and has continued to be supported by SFHC donors ever since.  The purpose of this special fund is to provide essential support to address unmet needs of SFHC students who, with the approval of their faculty research mentor, wish to present their research at professional conferences.  This will, in turn, fulfill the requirements towards obtaining their major and/or help them achieve their career goals. 

Please consider making a donation towards the Student Success Fund.  Your donation in tangible proof for our scholars that you believe in them and recognize their potential.

Thank you for your continued support of SFHC—one of the greatest treasures at Fresno State and the Valley.

With gratitude,


Saeed Attar, Ph.D.

Professor & Director


Summer 2024 Newsletter