Trying & Failing is Part of Success

Alumnus Lucca Petrucci gave a presentation at the Honors Colloquium in April 2022 titled “Trying & Failing is Part of Success.”

As Lucca explains, “We grow up being told failure and success are opposites.  You get accepted to your dream internship. You are successful. You are great. You did something right. You get told ‘no’ and are rejected from the grad school you really wanted to go to. You failed. You did something wrong. You aren't good enough. When in reality, trying and failing is part of success. It is part of every process in life.”

During his talk, Lucca shared how he has failed and been rejected time and time again during his time at Fresno State and over the past six years since he’s graduated — and how it has led him to his dream career and life.

The scholars who attended walked away with practical tools, principles, and questions to remind them how to be hopeful through rejection and “failure,” supporting them on their journey to create their successful life and career. 

Lucca Petrucci, a SFHC alumnus (B.S. Business Administration, Marketing & Logistics Option, May 2016), is now a creative coach, business consultant, speaker and motivator, and a podcast host (


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